GUMMAPAN big-tile

Dumbbell-resistant and non-slip floor protection, secures flooring and carpet from damage. GUMMAPAN big-tiles are wear-and dumbbell set, even falling dumbbells to the ground does not damage the surface. The mobile base can be dismantled at any time. Because of its own weight there is no sticking or fastening required.

The panels are sound absorbing, so that the noise is reduced at the training ground by falling equipment. Because of their elasticity, the tiles are fall-reducing with a force reduction of 21% and therefore provide security and protection from injury. They are also slip resistant, even in damp or wet, so the athlete can stand confidently doing his exercises.

GUMMAPAN big-tiles are economical. They hold even under extreme loads longer than conventional rubbers. In the long-term comparison they are cost-effective compared to all other floor coverings that must be replaced completely by wear.

Available in red-brown with optical-seam

Measurements ca. 1000 x 1000 x 25 mm.