This mat is designed specifically for the demands of Yoga and Pilates.

The weave structure of the surface assimilates the body heat of the user immediately and ensures a very pleasant and intense body feeling.

The slip-resistant surface on both sides ensures secure footing during the exercises, as they both prevent slipping of the user on the mat and the sliding of the whole mat by itself.

The YOGASPORT meets even the highest standards on hygiene, since it has been refined under the original Sanitized® process. This prevents long lasting the growth of fungi and bacteria - so the mat can be used safely of various users (contains biocidal substance: zinc pyrithione).

In addition, the integrated textile inlay ensures durability and shape stability of the YOGASPORT because it prevents reliably from horizontal wear out of the mat.

  1. Available in green, blue, grey and black

  2. ÖkoTex Standard 100 certified

  3. Sanitized® ennobled, ie, bactericidal and fungicidal equipment

  4. Latex-free vinyl

  5. Non-slip surface

  6. Isolates from cold floors

  7. Skin friendly, resistant against sweat and saliva

  8. Easy to clean with mild soapy water

  9. Plane resting by rounded corners

  10. Customer logo can be applied

  11. Special sizes and special colours on request



